In Healing with Plant Spirits, the practitioner forms a relationship with the plant spirit by journeying to them and committing to an on going relationship and exchange. During a session the practitioner calls on the plant’s medicine to aid the client.
This can look several ways but most commonly the client is lying down, the plants medicine is called upon by the practitioner and comes through the practitioners hands into the client.
Plants are incredibly generous and offer humans numerous ways of healing, including this profound method.
I studied this technique with the late Eliot Cowan. I am no longer affiliated with the Plant Spirit Medicine school he founded. For many years I have studied and cultivated relationships with plants in this manner. To honor my ongoing commitment and the exchanges I entered into with the plants to serve them and to use their medicine to help people, they generously come forward during sessions with clients to offer their help.
Eliot Cowan’s legacy continues through many dedicated practitioners. To learn more, visit Blue Deer’s Plant Spirit Medicine.